How to repair dead Nokia Phones like Nokia 100/101/114/109/1280/1616 etc XGOLD phones

The mechanism of the latest nokia phones like nokia 1280,nokia 1616 and nokia 1680 etc. is very poor. They are not very good phones in all senses. Also the repairing work of these phones is very hard. Sometimes these phones get Dead automatically, and we are unable to find the exact reason. We try to repair them in many ways.
To find the exact reason of “No Power On”, please follow the below steps:
- First of all check the phone for liquid damage, and so, then clean the whole PCB and charging connector. Then Check.
- If problem not solved in first step, try to connect the phone with any Flashing Box like uFs, ATF etc. If TX,RX ok and phone giving info, then just change the LCD. Phone will be Power On 100%.
- If phone not connecting on any BOX, then just Re-hot the CPU and Power IC.
In almost 99% of these phones, the problem is solved by changing the LCD. We think that if LCD is dead, then either the Back-light should be on or at least Incoming-Outgoing or Key Tone should come. But there is no such syndication in these phones if the LCD gets Shot. So try to change the LCD only.
Can you please provide solutions for dead micromax smartphones??
Hi Rahul. Thank your for commenting. Ideally smartphones like Micromax, Lava, XOLO, Karbonn can be recovered by flashing with appropriate flash files. Still, it depends upon the reason how the phone got dead. Here are some of the articles I have published for flashing such phones. Kindly read these for reference: